Never gives me problems

I work on the computer all day, every day, with various high-end software. I have to tell you: it’s super refreshing to have a piece of software that is small, light, fast, bug-free (at least for me), and works exactly as advertised. I’ve been migrating a LOT of private data to Secrets and have just been enjoying the ease it's brought to my life. I like that it lives in the menu bar on a Mac and jut a tap away on the iPhone. I like the syncing very much. I have to use more than a dozen work-provided apps that all require unique passwords that must be changed every three months. Secrets has saved my butt repeatedly! It is well-built for such a purpose!
I do look foward to upgrades and improvements as time goes by, though I can’t think of a whole lot I’d like to see right now. Perhaps multi-user capability, where it can unlock different secrets for different people on the same machine and same account, but who need to share password information for certain apps or logins.
Also worth mentioning…we have a fairly strict IT department. Yes, Big Brother is watching! So I was pleasantlyn surprised when Secrets passed its requirements for a secure password services. It’s not that they loved it, but they couldn’t find anything to object to, either. When dealing with our IT that’s like the Holy Grail.