It is far superior to Apple Candle! Love the color coding options, the coordinating todo options, the flexibility of the users choice to show this or that list and not show another. Very well planned, maintained, and a long time standard for me on my macbook pro! I've tried others..... none compare.
Only addition I'd like to see is a user "NOTES" page along side of (or 1 click away ) where a user can write long details of the day, events, add pictures or files attached to the date but on a separate full page per day. It would function somewhat like where they allow you to put "notes" at the end of each event, journal, banner, todo, or timed todo, but would provide you a dedicated space for each day (although you wouldn't have to write on each day just a daily template available you could click to bring up) where you put other things happening that won't fit on the little squares of monthly calendar boxes. BTW I know you can type on the daily page, but it' s not geared to journaling or recording events and the details or adding pictures, files or memories for the day.
Overall, I'd give them 10 stars for the functionality, reliability, fast email customer service requests, color coding, syncing !!! PERFECT SYNCING!! and the daily view which I find very a timeline. Keep up the good work guys!