Disenchanted is Disney's Biggest Streaming Hit of the Year!

Disney's Enchanted was a huge success back in 2007, so long ago it was time for a sequel. That happened! Disenchanted, the sequel, was released last week and even though I didn't like it, looking at Disney+'s revenue, on release day, it was a huge success.

In fact, it was the second-highest day of revenue in all of 2022, second to new year's day, which is always big.

This year, Disney+ averaged $1.9M of net revenue every day. Net meaning what Disney gets to keep after Apple and Google take their fees. The real numbers have a wide range, dipping as low as $1.4M and rising as high as $2.8M. There aren't many 2.8 days though.

Last Saturday, the day Disenchanted came out, revenue rose to $3.2M, according to our estimates. They didn't immediately drop, either. They remained high during the weekend and dropped to $2.9M by Tuesday, still higher than the last peak.

That's great for Disney+ which hasn't had an amazing year of growth in 2022 and recently had a CEO swap. And even though the movie wasn't as good as its predecessor -- according to me + Rotten Tomatoes, which gets it right some of the time -- it's really not relevant here.

What's relevant is the popularity of the Enchanted name, and now that we're entering a different stage of the streaming race, IP will play a major role in getting subscribers and also retaining them. HBO Max does a great job with that and Disney+ can too.

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