Brawl Stars Has Been Fighting To Prove Itself Since Soft-Launch — and It's Working

From its promising yet shaky multi-year soft-launch to another $1 billion plus gem in Supercell's impressive catalog of successes, Brawl Stars has been fighting to not just stay alive, but improve consistently over time.

The game's roaring success of late isn't some fluke, but rather the result of some very smart and thoughtfully implemented changes to the game's economy, live ops, modes, and more.

All of which paid off handsomely! According to our estimates, player spending in the game for April 2024 (gross revenue) has grown by 856% year-over-year to approximately $74 million globally, from just about $7.7 million one year ago.

Here's what that looked like:

Here's some of how Supercell achieved this near 10x increase in the course of a year.

Once you really get behind the curtain on this title, it's easier to see how Supercell has leveraged these myriad decisions into a staggering return on investment in their implementation.

It certainly couldn't have been easy, but Supercell is among a small number of players who have the ability — and guts — to persist and pull it off. Now, whether it keeps this momentum is another question; one we'll be answering in the coming months.

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