Instagram Beats TikTok for Second Month

Can you believe August is all over already? Feels like summer just flew by this year. A side "benefit" of limited mobility and around-the-clock WFH... But, that time we didn't spend outside had to have gone somewhere. That somewhere is Instagram.

The most downloaded app in the world in August was Instagram, which grew 6% month-over-month to 62M downloads, according to our estimates. The bump helped it edge out TikTok for the second month in a row! Facebook's dominance continued to be on display as it owns three of the top 5 apps. TikTok, in second place, and Snapchat in fifth were the only holdouts.

While the charts were mostly similar to July, there were a few fresh(ish) faces. WhatsApp Business squeezed in at #9 with 22M downloads, and CapCut, TikTok's video editor, which seems to ebb and flow much more than I expected, added 19M new users and the #10 place in our list.

[tweet]Together, the top 10 apps recorded 353M downloads, according to our estimates. About 2% lower than July's total of 361M.[/tweet]

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