Quick Note is a clutter-free sticky-note utility that lets you quickly write a note with just one click or a shortcut.
It's a fast and lightweight menu bar app that is optimized for quick note-taking experience
The Note floats on top of all other apps, so your notes are always visible.
โ Features
- iCloud sync
- Floating window
- Beautiful Note colors
- Folder organization
- Create note from Services
- Widgets
- Transparency
- Favorite notes
- Expand & Collapse notes
- Text Styles
- Shortcuts
- Launch the app at login
# iCloud Sync
iCloud sync will keep all your notes backed up on your iCloud account associated with your apple id. Once enabled, all your notes and folders are seamlessly synced on the server.
# Floating window
When enabled(enabled by default), your open notes will be always visible regardless of your active application. This feature lets you conveniently take notes without loosing the context. This setting can be changed from the App Settings.
# Background colors
Every new note will be assigned a random predefined list of colors. Background colors stay harmonious to the system appearance. Which means, the background color will update itself when the system changes from light to dark mode.
# Favorite notes
You can mark few selected notes as favorite. They appear at the top of Menu in a separate section. Any note can be marked as favorite from Note Preference menu.
# Folders
You can organize your notes by keeping related notes in a Folder.
# Services
Easiest way to create a note from a text is to select the text in any app. Double tap on the text, goto Services and select "New Note in Quick Note MenuBar"
# Widget
Widget to "Add a new Note". One more way to create a new note in Quick Note menu bar app.
Sometimes your notes may feel like obstructing some other window. You may choose to turn on the Translucency to enable see through
โ Text Styles
- Headings
- Bold
- Italics
- Strikethrough
- Highlight
- Named links
โ Lists
- Bullet List
- Dashed List
- Numbered List
- Checklist