Knowledge Base

Why is My Email Report Delayed?

Email reports are scheduled to send as soon as data is available for the apps, which in many cases is the next day (or week/month, depending on the report’s granularity).

In some cases however, email reports may not be sent on the expected day. When a report is sent with a delay you'll see a notification alerting you to that.

Here are a few reasons why an email report may be sent with a delay:

Data delays from the store. This is the most common reason for delay, and happens when the store doesn’t provide new data at the normal time. Data delays can range from a few hours to a few days, and since the data isn’t there there isn’t much we can do but wait.

The report was re-sent manually. Our support team can have older email reports re-sent on-demand. If you got in touch and asked for a re-send you’ll most likely see this notification.

If you received a delayed email report and none of the reasons above apply please lets us know.