Education Goes In App - The Biggest Back to School for Classdojo

Ariel Ariel

This is a single insight from This Week in Apps - How Big Was the Summer for Apps and Games?. Check out the full article for more insights.

The pandemic pushed a lot of otherwise physical school-related activities to the web and mobile, and during covid that was the only way to do it. But even though that's mainly behind us, education apps have been seeing stronger back-to-school seasons consistently.

2023 has been the best year so far and a good example of this trend is Classdojo's revenue.

Classdojo is a platform for teachers and parents to connect. The platform is free but has a Plus in-app purchase that unlocks a combination of features for parents that feel a bit all over the place.

Well, those features are a massive success because, since 2020, Classdojo's revenue has grown 1,000%.

Looking at ClassDojo's revenue trend, it's clear September is the app's biggest month of revenue. Over the last two years, August was also a massive month and since September just started, I compared August of every year.

In 2020, Classdojo saw $736K in August, according to our estimates. And that's net, which means what Classdojo gets to keep after giving Apple and Google their share. 2021 doubled to $1.4M. And that's from the App Store and Google Play together.

2022 was a whole other thing. Net revenue in August climbed to $5.8M and in 2023, August ended with $7.8M, according to our App intelligence.

We expect September to be ever bigger.

This is another good example of just how many opportunities things going in-app is presenting. I hope you're taking advantage of this!

App Intelligence for Everyone!

The insights in this report come right out of our App Intelligence platform, which offers access to download and revenue estimates, installed SDKs, and more! Learn more about the tools or schedule a demo with our team to get started.

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All figures included in this report are estimated. Unless specified otherwise, estimated revenue is always net, meaning it's the amount the developer earned after Apple and Google took their fee.

Tagged: #education

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