Knowledge Base

Creating a strong and secure password for your account

Using a strong and secure password helps protect your Appfigures account. We recommend a password that's hard to guess and that doesn't contain personal information like your birth date or phone number.

Password requirements:

  1. At least 8 characters long
  2. Can't start with a space

Important: We highly recommend using a password manager to generate strong passwords that are hard to guess (and remember) and store them securely.

If you'd rather create your own password, here are a few suggestions and some patterns you should avoid.

Strong password suggestions

  • Make your password unique across different services you use
  • Make your password very long (16 or more characters) using one of the following:
    • A lyric from a song or poem
    • A meaningful quote from a movie or speech
    • A passage from a book
    • A series of words that are meaningful to you

Patterns to avoid

  • Names of people who know you
  • Personal info & common words
  • Your nickname or initials
  • The name of your child or pet
  • Important birthdays or years
  • The name of your street
  • Numbers from your address
  • Your phone number
  • Obvious words and phrases like "password" or "letmein"
  • Sequences like "abcd" or "1234"
  • Keyboard patterns like "qwerty" or "qazwsx"

Head into your account's Security page to change your password when ready.