We analyze millions of iOS and Android apps and games and rank SDKs by the number of apps they're currently installed in.
Based on our App Intelligence.
Updated 10 minutes ago
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We download and scan every free iOS and Android app when it's released or updated, to get a list of all SDKs it has installed. We use those to determine which SDK is used by most apps.
Very accurate! Our SDK detection process uses a combination of automatic scanning and human validation which eliminates all false positives.
Our SDK Intelligence supports 500+ of the most popular commercial and open source SDKs, as well as native APIs built into iOS and Android.
Using our App Intelligence tools you can quickly see the full list of all SDKs and native APIs any iOS or Android is using.
With Explorer you can select one or more SDKs and see all the apps that use them + set up alerts to be notified when new apps install them, or when they're uninstalled.