The Numbers Behind Elon's Blue Check Are...

Ariel Ariel

This is a single insight from This Week in Apps - Ending the Year with a Bang!. Check out the full article for more insights.

I've been looking at Twitter's mobile revenue ever since Blue came out last year, but it really kicked into high gear in November, when the blue check for all (who pay) rolled out. I looked at those numbers a few weeks ago.

The real question is, was that hype or did those subscribers continue to pay in December?

Yes, that's the simple answer.

Looking at revenue estimates for Twitter we can see the original spike when Blue checks rolled out, which added more than 50,000 new subscribers. By far the most new subscribers Twitter has ever seen. And that was just one day.

A month later we see the spike is lower, meaning some of those subscribers didn't continue, but it's still very high. According to our estimates, roughly 40,000 subscribers continued their Blue subscription. That's fairly standard considering other apps that were not very controversial, like Snapchat, saw a similar path.

But what's more important here is long-term growth. Looking at the trend, Twitter's daily in-app revenue has doubled since the new Blue. In numbers, non-spike days are now seeing around $25K daily where that total was around 12K just a few months ago.

Monthly, November and December are going to end up pretty similar, even with all controversy.

Now... Before you tell me of all the things wrong with Twitter right now, technical or ideological, which I'm sure you will, I'll tell you that I'm fairly certain Twitter isn't going away any time soon. Turbulence is part of its evolution, and won't be the first time (remember the dickbar?).

I don't know when the dust will settle, but when (and not if) it does, in-app revenue will continue to be a great opportunity for the platform.

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All figures included in this report are estimated. Unless specified otherwise, estimated revenue is always net, meaning it's the amount the developer earned after Apple and Google took their fee.

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