The native vs non-native development debate has been raging for years now. On the one side, we have non-native framewor...
Meta has recently released the New Architecture for React Native, a project that started back in 2018 to make React Nati...
Last week I shared a surprising insight about React Native that generated a lot of feedback. Thanks to everyone who sh...
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#149 - The most downloads and highest-earning apps and games in November, plus where we are and how we got here for non-native frameworks.
#148 - Native vs non-native app development, VR's new record, Gas goes to Discord, Snapchat's new record, and more!
The debate between native and non-native development has been raging for years. Some believe native development is the o...
Instagram's in trouble, streaming's still a battle, React Native vs. Swift, India, and more!
I've been seeing a lot of chatter about native vs. non-native app development on Twitter lately. Most people are curio...