Knowledge Base

How to Connect Your Stripe Account Securely

Being able to track all of the revenue your mobile apps and games generate in one place is critical to your business' success.

With the Stripe integration, you can track revenue generated outside of in-app purchases and Apple's and Google's subscription system, right along side everything else.

Important: At this time the integration only works with Stripe's invoice billing.

Creating a Restricted API Key

  1. Log into your Stripe account
  2. Click on "Developers" (top right)
  3. Click on "API keys" from the menu on the left
  4. Click "Create restricted key"
  5. Name the key "Appfigures" (for the sake of simplicity)
  6. Set the following permissions to Read
  • Core Resources:
    • Balance
    • Balance transaction sources
    • Charges
    • Products
  • Billing Resources:
    • Invoices
    • Plans / Prices (some Stripe dashboards may show "Plans" while others see "Prices")
    • Subscriptions
  • All reporting resources
    • Report Runs and Report Types
  1. Click on "Create key"

Connecting Your Stripe Account

  1. Log into your Appfigures Account
  2. Go to your Linked Accounts by clicking on Manage → "Linked account"
  3. Click on "Link an Account"
  4. Select Stripe from the list of providers
  5. Enter the email address and API Key you just created
  6. Click on "Add"
  7. Important: To import data from Stripe, you'll need to manually match your units via Account Settings > Unit Matching page.