Between the top downloaded and highest earning charts, it's the former that typically sees the most turnover as games th...
AI was at full blast in February, maintaining its January run. If you didn't notice, AI is red hot right now and these n...
A new year brings another chance to check in what mobile gamers are downloading worldwide. After poring over the figures...
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I crunched the numbers and ranked the most downloaded apps in the world in January, and didn't expect these results! ...
The most important month for games is behind us, so I crunched the numbers and ranked the winners and losers of this Chr...
Unlike the amazing revenue growth apps saw in December, downloads followed a very different trend - the opposite kind. ...
We crunched the numbers and ranked the most downloaded games in the world in November. Lots of games moved in November, ...
I crunched the numbers and ranked the most downloaded mobile apps in the world in November and the winner is... Insta...
How are the top mobile games in terms of scooping up new players doing? It's time to check out the latest monthly top 10...
October is behind us so we crunched the numbers and ranked the most downloaded mobile apps in the world. While I don't h...
The estimates are in and Septembers most downloaded mobile games have been revealed. And instead of another seriously st...
Looking at last month's estimates for new app installs, we see a contrasting trend from app revenue continue. Let's go o...
Your eyes aren't deceiving you the results have been tallied and August's top downloaded games have been carried over f...
Weve gotten used to seeing app downloads slowly decline, so Augusts estimates came as a surprise. But before we dive int...
The numbers have been pored over and the results are in on July's most downloaded games, which we've ranked below. To...
I crunched the numbers and ranked the most downloaded apps in the world in July. The trend to watch this year is an ongo...
I crunched the numbers and ranked all mobile games by their downloads and unlike previous months, June was full of movem...
I crunched the numbers and rounded up the most downloaded apps in the world in June. Unlike May, which was incredibly st...
I crunched the numbers and ranked the most popular mobile games on the App Store and Google by downloads. I'm happy to ...
Apps have been busy getting downloads in May. I crunched the numbers and ranked the ones that got the most. There was a ...
April is behind us which means it's time to crunch the numbers and rank the most downloaded mobile games in the world, a...
April is behind us, which means it's time to look at the most downloaded apps - I did, and can tell you April was a weir...
March is behind us which means it's time to crunch the numbers and rank the most downloaded mobile games in the world fo...
This isn't an April's fool's joke - Facebook was the most downloaded app in the world in March. I crunched the numbers ...