Disney's revenue has generally been growing ever since it was introduced back in 2019. This year, however, revenue star...
A few months ago HBO Max, one of the highest-grossing app in the US, rebranded into Max. But this wasn't a simple name c...
#174 - Pokemon Sleep just launched and is already the leader of its category, which country produces more mobile games, Monopoly Go's amazing revenue growth, and more!
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Surprise surprise, TikTok is getting into the music streaming business! Earlier this month, ByteDance soft launched Tik...
#169 - Apple's classical app underperforms on Android; Casino apps' revenue soars; News apps see revenue surge; HBO Max rebrand mildly impacts earnings.
It's been a month since HBO Max joined forces with discovery and rebranded as Max. The rebranding wasn't a simple name c...
#166 - Snapchat's biggest haul so far, Peacock and Paramount+ hit big too, CapCut is brewing up a storm, and more!
Streaming platforms have been active this year, and as we head into the summer season, I expect nothing less than the ra...
#165 - ChatGPT breezes past a quarter million in revenue, HBO's rebrand may be an expensive one, Peloton finally came to its sense, and more!
It's finally here. A few months ago, HBO announced it will merge content from HBO Max and the recently-acquired Discove...
#163 - Disney+ is growing up, a new teen sensation, Discord's future, and more!
Disney announced this week that it'll bring content from Hulu into the flagship Disney app later this year. On the surf...
#162 - Twitter's growing revenue, another sport joins the streaming race, the most downloaded apps and games in the world, and more!
Sports and streaming go together like peanut butter and jelly. It sounded better in my head, but while cheesy, it is tru...
#155 - 2023 is shaping up to be a big year for revenue in the App Store. Maybe even for Twitter...
Did you think the streaming race is over? That HBO Max and Disney won while the others flail? You'd think that if yo...
#150 - Notion, home automation, Paramount's merger, job searching, and more!
Earlier this week, Paramount announced it will be merging its flagship streaming service Paramount with Showtime and ren...
An in-depth look at demand for video streaming apps, including Peacock, Paramount+, Disney+, HBO Max, and others, in the US in 2022.
#145 - Streaming apps up 16% in 2022, Temu's on millions of devices, Uber, CapcCut, and more!
#142 - Qatar's streaming downloads are exploding right now, just like Peacock's revenue and Shop's downloads.
The World Cup is on at full force, leading millions to download apps to stream it all around the world. Last week I lo...
So far, I've looked at streaming app downloads in the US -- where many are skipping cable and instead streaming the Wo...
#141 - Disney's got a big hit, Hive tries to replace Twitter, Walmart's big Black Friday, and the hottest shopping apps.