A New Look for Email Reports
Email reports are a core feature of our platform. They help our members stay on top of important information without clicking, navigating, or running any reports. We recently introduced a brand new look for email reports that's cleaner, has built-in metric comparisons, and adapts to all screen sizes. Here's a preview: We first introduced the new look with the release of monthly email reports, and have since made the new look the default for every new report created, including daily and weekly reports. We know getting used to new things isn't always easy, so we left existing reports with the original design. If the original design works for you there's nothing you need to change. Existing reports will remain as is forever. Switching existing reports to the new look You can easily switch any existing daily and weekly reports to the new look. We made a shortcut that will switch all of your reports with a single click. You'll find that option at the top of your Email Reports tab in your account. Alternatively, you can switch reports individually by following these steps: Go into Account Settings > Email reports. Select the report you'd like to switch, and click the Edit button. Select the Options tab, and set the Look to "New". Save it. The next report you'll get will have the new look. Note: Editing an email report for a group of recipients requires the Admin role. We'd love to hear what you think about the new look, so if you have any feedback please get in touch.
How do I add a new app?
If you've chosen to automatically activate new apps, then apps will be automatically added to your account once detected within imported reports. If you've chosen to manually activate new apps, then you can do so by visiting your Apps page and activating the individual app.
Why can't I log into my account?
This user account is disabled This error message is a result of a sub-user trying to log into a free account. Multi-user access is a premium feature and requires a paid account. You can resolve this by having the account's owner upgrade to one of our paid plans. This user is not active This happens when a user tries to log into an account they once had access to, but the owner (or an admin) of that account disabled access for them. To gain access contact the account's owner or an admin. Only they can re-activate access for your user. This account has been suspended due to non-payment This error message is a result of the account having an open balance for a long period. Until the balance is paid only the account's owner will be able to log-in so they can update the payment information. This can be resolved by having the account's owner log in and update the payment information. If you'd like to pay by invoice please contact us. You've attempted to login too many times To prevent abuse, login attempts are metered. After 10 consecutive failures in one hour login will be locked for one hour. If you need immediate access to your account after being locked out you may reset your password or contact us. You cannot log into this account from this location This error occurs when you attempt to log into an account that's using the Access Control add-on from a location that has been blocked. To resolve this issue contact your account's admin and ask that your location be added. If you are an admin and you've locked yourself out accidentally please contact us. The Access Control add-on enables account admins to specify locations from which access is allowed or to block access from specific locations. Learn more about the Access Control add-on →
What is a sub-user?
Appfigures sub-users are either Administrators or Viewers. These roles have varying degrees of account access. Admins have full access to reports, account management and account settings. Admins can also be set up with full app access or limited app access. Viewers have read-only access to reports and can only edit their personal settings. Viewers can also be set up with full app access or limited app access. Any sub-user, Admin or Viewer, who is set up with limited app access (specific apps in their account, not all) would need to have new apps added to their account manually, which includes personal or competitor apps. Sub-users who have full app access will automatically be set up with access for new apps added to the account. For more on sub-users check out the knowledge base articles below: User Roles in Appfigures What's the difference between data sharing & sub-users?
Can I close or downgrade my account at any time?
Yes. You can close/downgrade your account at any time by visiting your Account Settings (top right corner) > Plan > Close/downgrade account. You'll then receive further instructions via email. The account will be closed/downgraded to free at the end of the account's billing cycle. Since we post charge, you can expect one final invoice on the last day of the account's billing cycle. After this payment has been made, the account will be closed/downgraded immediately. Note: You will need owner privileges to close/downgrade an account.
In the Apps page, what does it mean to make an app "active" & "visible"?
As an account owner, or admin, you'll have access to the Apps page. By visiting your Apps page, you'll be able to mark your apps as "active" and "visible"--this will remove any strike-through marks in the app selector. The apps marked as "active" will be tracked and you will be charged to track these apps. The apps marked as "inactive" will not be tracked and you will not be charged for these apps. The apps marked as "visible" will be available in your app selector. The apps marked as "invisible" will not show up in your app selector. If you mark an app as "inactive" and "visible" the app will have the strike-through mark. For more on how to deactivate an app check out this knowledge base article: How do I deactivate an app?
Inviting your team members to Appfigures
Sharing access to your Appfigures account is easy and secure with sub user access. To invite a new user simply: Head into Account setting → Sub-users. Click the Add Sub-user button. Enter in the name and email of the user Select a role. Admins can view reports and also manage the account. Viewers can only view reports. Select which apps this user will have access to. Set user preferences, including the currency, timezone, and date format. All of which the user will be able to change once they're logged in. Click Finish. You did it! The user will now receive an email with a link to set a password. To add a sub-user check out this knowledge base article: Adding a sub-user that already has an Appfigures account
How do I deactivate an app?
Visit your Apps page to deactivate apps that you no longer wish to track. Make sure these apps are no longer marked as "active." Note: You will need owner, or admin privileges to perform this action. If you are set up as a viewer and need to deactivate an app, please contact the account admin(s).
Adding a sub-user that already has an Appfigures account
The Appfigures platform allows each email address to be associated with one AppFigures account. This means that a single email address cannot be a sub-user of more than one account. It's possible to give a single email address access to data from multiple Appfigures account using the Sharing functionality. Read more about Sharing →. If you do however need to add a team member as a sub-user and can't use sharing, you have two possible options: Use a different email address for this sub-user - If the user has a separate email address they can use, take that email address instead. You can alternatively use plus-addressing to use the same email address for separate accounts. Have the user close their existing Appfigures account - If the account was opened by mistake or is not longer in use (ex. needing to connect to a corporate account), closing the account is the simplest solution. Closing the account will free up their email address. Once free, it can be added to the master account.
Increasing your daily API call limit
Every account gets 1,000 API requests per day for free, but our API can go much higher than that. To increase your daily limit go into the API tab of your Account settings and select the package that works best for you. We currently offer packages ranging from 2,500 requests/day all the way up to 15,000 requests/day. If you need more that 15,000 requests/day please contact us and we'll be happy to customize a package for you.
Logging in with Google
You can log into your account using your email and password as well as with your Google account. To login with Google simply click the Login with Google button that's at the bottom of all login forms throughout the site instead of entering your email and password. Here are some common questions and answers about this feature: Questions Do I now need a Google account to sign up for Appfigures Can I log into my existing Appfigures account with Google? What information does Appfigures get when logging in with Google? What information does Google get from Appfigures? Can I disable logging in with email/password Can I login with Google in the app? Can I log into Appfigures with Facebook, Twitter or Github? Answers Do I now need a Google account to sign up for Appfigures Nope. You can log into your Appfigures account with your email and password as well as with your Google account if you have one, as long as they're both using the same email address. Can I log into my existing Appfigures account with Google? Absolutely! Click the "Login with Google" button at any point to log into your account with Google, as long as your Google account and Appfigures account share the same email address. What information does Appfigures get when logging in with Google? When you log in with Google we collect your email and name so that we can to ensure you're really you. We don't collect any other information about you and have any way to post to Google+ or interact with any other Google service on your behalf. What information does Google get from Appfigures? None. That's right, no information from your Appfigures account is ever passed on to Google. Can I disable logging in with email/password Yes, with an add-on. Our Grow plan offers the ability to require logging in with Google, making it SOX compliant. Can I login with Google in the app? Not yet. That's coming soon. Can I log into Appfigures with Facebook, Twitter or Github? Not yet, but it's something we're thinking about, but if you really want to log in with any other provider please let us know so we can prioritize it. If your questions isn't on this list please get in touch and we'll be happy to help!
What is sharing?
Sharing lets you provide other Appfigures members with secure access to your downloads, sales and ad revenue data. Sharing allows for easy collaboration among individuals, or organizations with different Appfigures accounts. For example, you may want to share data with a publisher, developer, promotion site, or investor. If you were to share your data manually, then you’d have to export the data, save it locally and forward it to all of your colleagues. The Sharing option automates this process, ensuring that everyone sharing your data has the most up to date numbers. As always, you'll have full control over your private information. You can easily choose who to share with, specific products, date ranges and predetermine how long you'd wish to share for. The members you share with will not be able to share your data with others via Appfigures and you can easily grant, or revoke sharing access at any time. Keep in mind that you should only share data with folks that you trust! To start sharing, if you have admin privileges, go into Account Settings → Sharing. What's the difference between data sharing & sub-users? A sub-user of an account can be given access to all of an account’s features including its settings, members and products. In contrast, members sharing data have completely separate accounts. Sharing is designed for easy collaboration among different teams. A developer, for example, may want to share data with a publisher, a promotion site, or an investor. What should I do once I've received a sharing invitation? If you're not already logged in to your Appfigures account then you'll be asked to enter your Appfigures credentials. If you don't have an Appfigures account, you can quickly create one. You can accept a sharing invitation on any plan, including the basic plan. Once you accept the invitation, the shared products will immediately show up in your account. If you'd like to leave a share group you can do so at any time by going into Account Settings (top right corner)> Sharing. How can I share data with colleagues who aren’t Appfigures members? You can share with members on the free plan, which means anyone you choose can securely access your shared data for free by simply opening a basic Appfigures account. Since all parties sharing data have an Appfigures account we can ensure that your data is secure and that sharing is seamless. When you invite someone to view your data we'll automatically send them an email invitation. They’ll be directed to their existing account, or if none exists, they can easily set up an account. For more on data sharing please check out this knowledge base article: What's the difference between data sharing & sub-users?
Where can I view my invoices?
Invoices can be found under Account Settings > Invoices. * Note: You will need owner, or admin privileges to access the invoices tab.
Setting up Access Control
The Access Control add-on is like a private firewall for your Appfigures account. When enabled, the add-on provides granular rules to block out any unwanted users from being able to log into your account, making your private data even more secure. Access Control works by allowing or denying access by IP address. You have the ability to define rules for every IP as well as a default action (to allow or deny). The Access Control add-on requires the Grow plan. First, you'll need to enable the add-on for your account. Go to the add-on's page and click on Enable. This will make the add-on active, but will not block any traffic until you've completed setting it up. Available options: Owner access When enabled, this options ensures the user account that's set up as the owner is always allowed to login. Even if there are explicit rules to prevent access from the IP the user is logging in from, or if the default action denies access. This option is turned on by default to ensure that you won't get locked out of your account if you accidentally block your IP/range or set the default action to deny without setting up any specific rules for your IP. This is a good options to have on during set up, but we suggest turning it off once all rules are in place. Default action When a user attempts to access your account we'll look for rules that are defined for their IP address. If there are no rules, we'll apply the default action. Most setups have the default action set to Deny and then set up rules to Allow access from specific IPs. This is also called a whitelist. Rules Each rule you define will allow or deny access to a particular IP or a set of IPs in a range. An IP is a unique address each machine on the internet has. When a user attempts to log into your account we'll make sure they have the right username/password combination, and that their IP isn't blocked by Access Control rules. Defining a rule is easy: Type the IP address you want the rule to apply to. Here you can type a single IP or a range using CIDR notation. Select whether to allow or deny access from this IP. Once you're done setting up make sure to save your changes. All changes are applied immediately.
How Does Pre-Payment Work?
All Appfigures subscriptions are billed on a monthly basis. For your convenience, you can also pre-pay for 6 or 12 months in advance and we'll use the prepaid balance instead of charging your credit card every month. When pre-paying, you can use a credit card, PayPal, or pay by invoice (accessible starting with the Grow Plan) for 6 or more months. You can do it when you upgrade your plan, as well as at any time while the plan is active. Depending on the plan you're on and your usage, your monthly charge may be different than what you prepaid for initially. That will happen if you activated new apps after prepaying. In that case your prepaid balance will run out more quickly. We'll let you know when your prepaid balance runs low as well as when it runs out so you can prepay again. Once the prepaid balance has been exhausted your account will automatically switch to monthly payments, to ensure that your service isn't interrupted.
What's the difference between data sharing & sub-users?
A sub-user of an account can be given access to all of an account’s features including its settings, members and products. In contrast, members sharing data have completely separate accounts. Sharing is designed for easy collaboration among different teams. A developer, for example, may want to share data with a publisher, a promotion site, or an investor.
Do you charge sales tax?
Yes and no. We currently are only required to charge sales tax in the state of New York. The state of New York, which is where we are located, considers SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions to be a taxable good. To comply with the state's tax code we collect sales tax from all invoices with a billing address in New York state. Companies and individuals operating in the state of New York, but with a billing address elsewhere, will not be charged sales tax at this time. If you are a tax exempt organization please contact us with a copy of your exemption certificate. More information about tax exempt status can be found on the state's website.
Enterprise active user billing
The Enterprise plan starts with a flat fee for the first five (5) active users. At the end of every month, all active users are counted, and any active users beyond the first five are charged for separately. What is an active user? An active user is any sub user that logged into the account at least once during the monthly billing cycle. Is there a limit on total users There's no limit on the number of users you can add to your account. Any users that don't log in will not count towards your monthly charge, so feel free to add your entire team. What if I prepay for more users than were active? Simple - any unused amount will roll over to the next month, indefinitely. We never expire prepaid balances.
Can I share data if I have a free account?
Members with the basic plan can receive shared data, but cannot share their own data. To share your data with others you’ll need to upgrade to the premium plan.
Changing the Currency of Revenue
With Appfigures you can view revenue reports in the currency of your choice, regardless of how it's reported by the store or ad network. Appfigures supports 150+ currencies which you can choose from, and change at any point, without any changes to your underlying reports. By default* your reports will be displayed in USD. Changing your revenue currency: Head into Account Settings Select the currency for revenue Save the changes Once saved, all reports will switch to displaying currency in the newly selected currency immediately. * If you are a sub-user, the admin who invited you may have pre-selected a different currency when inviting you to the account. How Currency Conversion Works To support full currency control, Appfigure imports data in the currency it was reported by the original source (app store, ad network, or payment provider), and then makes the conversion into your selected currency in real-time. Under the hood, Appfigures collects and stores an exchange rate for every currency every day, and that's used for reporting.
How do I share my data?
If you have admin privileges, then you can visit your Account Settings (top right corner) and choose the 'Sharing' section. Here you’ll have the option to create a new Share Group. You'll need to enter the following information: A title - Choose a descriptive title to distinguish between different groups (ex. sales data to show mom). The products to share - Choose only the products that you'd like to grant access to (it’s view-only access). These products will have all of their private data shared, including sales data, in-app items and ad revenue. You can choose to 'share all products,' to automatically share all your current and future products. Members to share with - To invite someone to your share group add their personal email to the list. When you hit 'Save' we'll send out email invitations to all the folks that you've invited. They'll have the option to accept your invitation into their current Appfigures account, or to create a new account. Date ranges to share - You can share data within a specific date range. For example, you may only want to share your sales data from the previous year with a publisher instead of granting access to your current data. Expiration date - You can set an expiration date for a share group. After the expiration date, the shared data will no longer be accessible to the group's members. You can easily edit any aspect of a share group, or delete a group at any time.
Is it possible to track some apps and not others?
Yes! You can activate, or deactivate apps at any time by visiting your Apps page.
Will I be charged twice if my app is sold in two app stores?
Yes. We consider an app to be the combination of app + app store. Therefore, apps sold in multiple stores will be charged as separate entities.
When will my inapps show up in my reports?
Inapps for iOS apps will show up in reports as soon as these inapps are purchased. Inapps for Google Play apps will show up in reports immediately.
How can I share data with colleagues who aren’t Appfigures members?
You can share with members on the free plan, which means anyone you choose can securely access your shared data for free by simply opening a basic Appfigures account. Since all parties sharing data have an Appfigures account we can ensure that your data is secure and that sharing is seamless. When you invite someone to view your data we'll automatically send them an email invitation. They’ll be directed to their existing account, or if none exists, they can easily set up an account. Read more about Sharing
Enabling enterprise add-ons
Some add-ons require an enterprise-plan level in order to be enabled. Check out the pricing page for details about our enterprise plan and get in touch if you'd like to learn more or to upgrade.
Can an invoice be emailed to my billing team/accountant automatically?
Yes! In fact the monthly invoice can be emailed to any number of recipients by adding them to the list in Account Settings > Invoices * Note: You will need owner, or admin privileges to access the invoices tab.
What should I do once I've received a sharing invitation?
If you're not already logged in to your Appfigures account then you'll be asked to enter your Appfigures credentials. If you don't have an Appfigures account, you can quickly create one. You can accept a sharing invitation on any plan, including the basic plan. Once you accept the invitation, the shared products will immediately show up in your account. If you'd like to leave a share group you can do so at any time by going into Account Settings > Sharing.
Does anything happen to my data once I share it?
No. You’ll be granting others read-only access to your data.
What to do if you're not receiving emails
Appfigures sends a few types of emails, including email reports, alerts, and other insights and information about your account and the status of the platform. To ensure our emails always get to members' inboxes we work closely with email providers and keep track of emails that are failing or aren't putting us into the right folder. When that happens, we pause sending emails and place a notification in the user's account. Getting Your Emails The most common reason for emails to fail is being accidentally blocked by spam filters. You can ensure that doesn't happen by whitelisting the domains we send emails from: appfigures.com h.appfigures.com t.appfigures.com We automatically attempt to re-verify emails in the background, so if everything is working with your email we will re-activate it within a few days. If you'd rather not wait simply get in touch and let us know.
How Does Annual Billing Work?
Appfigures offer monthly and yearly plans. When you choose to pay yearly, we'll charge you the discounted monthly price, including any additional active apps and add-ons you have enabled for 12 months. We'll then deduct that amount from the prepaid amount at the end of every monthly billing cycle. Important - If you change your plan, activate more (or less) apps, or add (or remove) any add-ons, your prepaid balance will run out faster.
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in Appfigures
Securing access to the platform hundreds of thousands of app owners use to track their private data is important to us, which is why Appfigures offers two-factor authentication (2FA) to all members across all plans, including the free plan. What's Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)? Traditionally, when logging into your account you'll need to enter your email and password. Those were secure in the past but these days brute force attacks and password leaks are commonplace. 2FA helps secure your account, even if your password is compromised, by requiring another temporary time-based code from an authenticator app on your mobile device. 2FA is becoming an industry-standard, especially for services that store sensitive information like Appfigures. FYI - 2FA is a new, optional, security feature available in your Appfigures account. It isn't a requirement and can be turned on and off on-demand. Enabling 2FA in Appfigures Go to Manage > Security Under Two-Factor Authentication click Enable. If you have not verified your email address before, you'll be sent a code, via email, to enter. If prompted, enter your Appfigures password or skip to step #5. Open your authenticator app and scan the QR code (or click can't scan QR code? for manual set up within your authenticator app). Enter the code from the authenticator app into the text box in Appfigures and hit next. Save and download recovery codes for safe keeping. Important: in the event that you lose access to your authenticator app these codes will be the only way to gain recover your account. Once saved, hit I saved these codes You're now all set! You can manage these details through your Security section at any time. 2FA protects not just your login but also other sensitive parts of your account for even tighter protection. Once enabled, you'll need to provide a 2FA code when logging in and also when: Updating your email address Changing your password Adding, updating, and removing API keys Adding, removing, and updating users Frequently Asked Questions I Can't Find the Security Section in My Account This means you're using the older Appfigures look. Enabling 2FA requires switching to the new look (but you can switch back after) To enable the new look, go to your Profile and check the box next to New Look. Once the new look is loaded you'll find the security option from the main menu on the left. Can I still Use the API? Yes. When you switch to 2FA, you will be required to use a personal access token as opposed to basic authentication with the API. -> How to Generate a Personal Access Token How Do I Verify My Email? Verify your email address through your Profile. Click the 'Verify' link under your email address. You'll receive a code to your email address. When you have the code from your email, enter the code into the existing prompt. Can I Disable 2FA? Yes, 2FA can be disabled through the Security section when hitting the disable button under Two-Factor Authentication. You'll be forced through the verification flow one more time when making this decision. Have any other questions? Contact us directly →